Thursday 30 August 2012

5 Things Failure Teaches You About Leadership

As you reflect upon your career and future, step-back and assess your body of work and how it has impacted the manner in which you lead.    What makes you a stronger leader and provides you the perspective to cast a greater vision and help others achieve more?  It is the wisdom embedded within your failures.   Understandably, most people would rather not talk about their failures, but it sure does teach one how to manage adversity; for example, to understand why certain dots didn’t connect in their career, or why certain relationships or opportunities went awry.

Failure ultimately shapes you as a leader.

Failure is the most powerful source for know-how and understanding.  It teaches you about survival, renewal and reinvention of yourself and the organization you are leading.

1.      Confront Your Failure and Learn from It
2.      Build Your Team and Make the Business Better
3.      Trust Your Gut and Make More Decisions
4.      Second Chances are All Around You
5.      Appreciate Your Leadership Responsibilities

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